Edo Barbieri (He/Him)

Edo Barbieri
PhD candidate in Geospatial Data Science
My curiosity has brought me to move around the world since I was 17. From China to the UK, I have always found it fascinating to have the opportunity of knowing different people from diverse cultures with their own stories. My aim, personally and professionally, is to pursue an academic career; knowing that I come from a privilege position in research, I would like to use that to help the community in pursuing positive social change. I hold a joint degree from the University of Bologna and the University of Glasgow (equivalent to a BSc in Statistics and Mathematics from the former institution and a BSc with Honours in Statistics from the latter), as well as an SGSSS-funded MRes in Human Geography from the University of Glasgow. I also have some TA experience, mainly in the field of Statistics (Level 1 and 2 Statistics, Level 2 Geography) and GIS (Level 2 Geography).