Professor Ana Basiri

Ana Basiri
Professor of Geospatial Data Science
Ana Basiri
Ana works on developing (theoretical and applied) solutions to the challenges of ‘new forms of data’ such as missingness and biases. These solutions are based on the mindset that considers the bias, missingness, or low quality as a useful source of data to make inference about the underlying reasons for the missingness and bias. One application of this is extracting the 3D map of cities using the patterns of blockage, reflection, and attenuation of the GPS signals (or other similar signals), that are contributed by the volunteers/crowd.
In the era of big data, open data, social media, and crowdsourced data when “we are drowning in data”, gaps and unavailability, representativeness, and bias issues associated with them may indicate some hidden problems or reasons of biases and missingness. These novel solutions allow us to understand the data, society, and cities better.
For this, she leads a team of an interdisciplinary team and collaborates with world-leading academic and industrial partners, including Ordnance Survey GB, Uber, Alan Turing Institute, and engage with the public, policymakers, and government.
Ana is a UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, Chair of Geospatial Data Science at the University of Glasgow, the Editor in Chief of Journal of Navigation and Associate/Guest Editor of several high impact journals including IET Smart city and International Journal Geographical Information Science. She has received several awards and prizes, including Women Role Model in Science by Alexander Humboldt and European Commission Marie Curie Alumni.
Before joining the University of Glasgow, she was a lecturer at University College London, a European Research Council Fellow at the University of Southampton, a Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Nottingham, and a Postdoc Research Fellow at the Maynooth University of Ireland.
- Assessing the Relationship Between Socio-Demographic Characteristics and OpenStreetMap Contributor BehavioursIn 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geocomputational Analysis of Socio-Economic Data (GeoSocial 2023), Oct 2023
- Scalable 3D mapping of cities using computer vision and signals of opportunityInternational Journal of Geographical Information Science, Jul 2023
- A Participatory Approach to Develop Missing Geospatial Data VisualisationIn European Cartographic Conference – EuroCarto 2022, Sep 2022
- Classification of Missing Geospatial Data from Structure and Mechanism PerspectiveIn 30th Annual Geographical Information Science Research UK (GISRUK), Apr 2022
- Geographic Biases in OSM Contributions: How do the Geographic Extent of Contributions Differ Among Demographic Groups?In GISRUK 2022, Jan 2022
- The Impact of Built Environment on Bike Commuting: Utilising Strava Bike Data and Geographically Weighted ModelsIn 25th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science "Artificial Intelligence in the service of Geospatial Technologies", Jan 2022
- Effectiveness modelling of digital contact-tracing solutions for tackling the COVID-19 pandemicJournal of Navigation, Jul 2021
- Identifying urban functional areas and their dynamic changes in Beijing: using multiyear transit smart card dataJournal of Urban Planning and Development, Jun 2021
- How fast can our horses go? Measuring the quality of positioning technologiesJournal of Navigation, Jan 2021
- Simulating and Modeling the Signal Attenuation of Wireless Local Area Network for Indoor PositioningIn GeoSim ’19: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoSpatial Simulation, Nov 2019
- Signal Attenuation Modelling in WLAN PositioningIn XXXV Finnish URSI Convention on Radio Science, Oct 2019
- Crowdsourced geospatial data quality: challenges and future directionsInternational Journal of Geographical Information Science, Oct 2019
- Indoor location based services challenges, requirements and usability of current solutionsComputer Science Review, May 2017
- Quality assessment of OpenStreetMap data using trajectory miningGeo-Spatial Information Science, May 2016