Dr Mingshu Wang

Mingshu Wang
Senior Lecturer in Geospatial Data Science
Mingshu Wang
Dr. Mingshu Wang is a Senior Lecturer (Tenured Associate Professor) in Geospatial Data Science at the School of Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK. His research focuses on developing and applying methods of GIScience (i.e., geographical information systems, remote sensing, and spatial analysis) and big data analytics (e.g., machine learning, artificial intelligence, and econometrics) to understand urban systems. He has two interconnected research lines of cities from the perspective of people. At a macro-scale, he quantifies the relationship between urban structure and urban/regional performance from fine-grained geospatial data. At a micro-scale, he examines human mobility issues regarding the built environment with crowdsourced geospatial information. He has received several research grants from the World Bank, Dutch Research Council (NWO), Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Microsoft Azure Research Award.